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Happy Birthday Initiative

At United We Go, we believe in celebrating every individual, and what better way to do that than by celebrating birthdays! Our newest initiative, the Birthday Fund, aims to support families who may be facing financial challenges by providing birthday gifts for their children.


We understand that birthdays are special occasions that should be filled with joy and excitement. However, for some families, the financial burden of purchasing gifts can be overwhelming. That's where the Birthday Fund steps in.


Through the generosity of our community members and supporters, the Birthday Fund ensures that every child can experience the happiness of receiving a birthday gift. By donating to the Birthday Fund, you're not just giving a present – you're spreading smiles, creating cherished memories, and fostering a sense of belonging for children in need.


Join us in making a difference in the lives of families in our community. Together, we can ensure that every child feels valued and loved on their special day.

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